วันพุธที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

My prediction would be that the "domino theory"

I believe the democratic development in the world is moving to the new stage after having a number of countries who give into lip service of democratic regimes. You can see authoritarian regimes are still around everywhere under the name of democracy. Some elections were being conducted but there are a lot of regimes who are elected constitutionally and legally but it is not democratic in nature. They may wreck election results, they may also create rules that allow authoritarian regimes to survive for decades. My suggestion would be that this is the time when the world are going to change because the wind of democracy is very strong.

ที่มา http://www.drdancando.com

It is moving rapidly across the globe. In the world today, we could categorized different countries. Although everyone pledged democracy as ideal, even communist countries also call themselves democratic countries. Therefore democracy itself is not merely the saying that we are democratic, it has to be in essence, not only in forms. There must be substance of democracy. We can see in the world where particularly in certain areas in the West, democratic root has taken place and has shown results. There are countries in the world that are half baked democratic and there are others who totally undemocratic. I believe that this is an era where the wind of democracy is moving across the globe. Therefore you see the evidence today in the rapid change in the globalized world and the world where information passes through everywhere costlessly. You can go through the internet and get information easily. People are not putting up with authoritarian regimes any longer and you can see clearly as you see today in Tunisia, in Libya, in Bahrain in Yemen, in Sudan, in Jordan, in many countries and they would spread even more. My prediction would be that the domino theory will work one more time. You will see that if Libya and Gaddafi gave in, what will happen. Many more countries will take the same idea on the street and will be demands of protesters for changing regimes. People revolution is name of the game today, in effort to move to democratic institution to be built more solidly later. Therefore my prediction is that there will be agitation wanting democracy in essence more. Hopefully the transition after people revolutions in many countries are very smooth and truly change in the structure of the society to the democratic society indeed. Therefore my view is that this is the time of democratic wind blow into the world. Let’s hope that with wisdom, democratic institutions can be built in transition so that democratics in essence could happen. This is my view of what is happening today.



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